tisdag 27 oktober 2009

Last week is a week 2 forget, it never happened.
My time line, behind me is my past, and in front of me is my future. My past is gone, I burnt it with fire and gasoline. My now is brilliant, my future is.

onsdag 21 oktober 2009

when you need your laundry picked up.

Time 2 b social, wife. Everybody is coming. Even our made is coming, and you know... I save'd all my dirty Laundry for her, even my clean stuff, I want her 2 organize my home in colors and size. Remember, how you have it outside shows how your inside is. Organized is key 2 stress free life. Paulina does that 4 us, but we pay her a lot. Sometimes I think we pay her 2 much, but whatever.
Even your cousin is coming, the one that shares your husbands age.
Everybody is coming, that crazy bitch we think is hilarious. Also my 2 blond friends from Oslo.
You should come 2.


söndag 18 oktober 2009

Summer, when I want.

Hi, fox I found us matching sunglasses, lasry made them using his hands.

Speaking of shades, I miss you like I miss the sun.

tisdag 13 oktober 2009

When the contrasts blend, beauty converts her line.

Please lady, stop listening to the same song over and over agin, your reminding us of the radio. In my world the radio sucks and eating is very boring.
When blended by different cultures, the mind understands it better, but my mind doesn't really understand, it is understandid. Do I make my self clear? I like it clear, but sometimes I get high of joy, and blurry is beautiful. So everything is a lie. My truth is true.

Fox, I hope you are real happy, 'cause happy is key to keeping it real. What is real? What are the ingredients in humanity? Atoms. We are the same material as poop, we are atoms. But the same material as flowers and nature.
So fox, stay in that box, l8er we can switch left socks.

onsdag 7 oktober 2009

U can't sell a wife for 20kr and let your friends starve.

Well, I just came back from fashion studies mixed with a beautiful picture, black and white, make amazing contrasts. My favorite combination of colors, ironically black and white are not colors. Coco used them gracefully, so much elegance. The movie Coco, Coco avant Chanel. A bit slow, but the pictures amused me. Coco's looks where interesting 4 the eye, I liked the why she moved her body, and the garment's, revolutionary. I'm inspired.

The wife and the slave, huh?... Scratching my head at the same time.
Should I fire them, no. I think they are interesting, different, fun. Both with a different style, I like it. I feel like I can control them better now that I am their big, bad boss.
Once I went to pick them 2 up, they had been out drinking on a monday. Both drunk laying on the sidewalk laughing like the nut cases they are. We drove past the gas station 2 buy ice cream 4 the pancakes Mrs. slave planned 2 make. Eating pancakes in the middle of the night with 2 drunken monkeys, it was interesting 4 the mind, and fun.
We used 2 eat 4 free at the café Mrs. Slave worked at. It was perfect 4 the poor, but it all ended. When the bosses found out about the big crime, and fired one of the girls. Mrs. Slave loved her job 2 much 2 risk it. Enough that shed let her poor friend starve 2 death. Exaggerating makes somethings funner to read, but where does the red line go, between a lie and exaggeration?
I used 2 drink coffee with the wife, we would exchange words, about how we spent the evening, the night b4. I'll tell her about my embarrassing moments, fun moments, moments, but mostly the embarrassing ones. Shed laugh, tell me her stuff, and life went on.