lördag 26 september 2009

Cleaning my shelf, a clone of me is just absurd. 3 is insane.

A picture will do fine, to fill out some empty spaces.
I thought a bout 2, but hadn't tied my laces.
I saw 4 of me, I became scared thought 4 my self...
That one of me is just perfect 2 hang on the shelf


"hej haft sex med en albansk kille förut?"-Skrev den albanska killen, utan skam hoppas jag.

Just came home from that big city, transporting bodies from base A to be C is a bit complex sometimes.
I always temped to spend my money b4 I need it. Especially when I'm walking the right streets, when the shops have items I want. It only hits my mind after items are in my bag, my receive is thrown away with that bubble gum Id just been chewing on. Sticks to the receive (like I do, to what I want) and the new surface of my gum is smooth paper with digits I think are weird (give me 4 free?) and the sticky is easy 2 throw away in the black bin.
Another complexity in my day was reaching people, my nokia is having difficulties connecting people. I managed to connect, had a beer or two with my connection, took my sub to my bus. The buss was full, I got to sit next to a stranger, and my taxi was waiting around my conner.
Pay the taxi and mission completed. Where does the money come from? Why did I know that there went a bus, and how was I supposed 2 know where that subtrain was taking me?
Questions like these are the ones I usually never ask me, only when I am really bored, with a screen in front of me, cat lovers singing 2 me and all the buttons with different symbols 2 press on, and the clicking sound floating with the rhythm, me knowing exactly what button to push and which not 2. Everything is function, everything is how it should be. When I have nothing 2 worry about, when my mind is clear, and of course after visiting the sky, and peeking my happiness.

The water broke, It made a big mess, a whole C of salty water. That cigarette was just 2 calm my nerves.
Also when I need sleep

torsdag 24 september 2009

If energy could travel as fast as I, it could b wireless

Once she droped it all in the blue, the light salty baltic C. I jumped into it with help of a blue trampolin, the cold water, I couldn't C anything, I swam up back to the surface, she yelled with her silly voice and pointed right under me, it was not a shark, nor a mermaid, it was her phone.
Imagine what a story if it would b Mrs Portman instead of Gigi. Instead of the phone it could be a diamond ring from the 80's.

Gigi & friends
Sometimes all we do is bounce all day
We like it that way I guess...

Speaking about rings and diamonds, infinity. Reminds me of me, I'm going round and round, in that ring, strong and shiny, never ends, does that mean that I will never end? Must be boring never ending. I will reach my nirvana some day, but it is not going to be "nothing" nor empty, I well be the 70's.

Speaking of seventy, seven, the days of the week, the amount of shoes I own 4 the moment. Well, seven seven seven, there is no heaven, there is no hell. I want 2 b a b in my next life. So many people I want 2 sting, 2 bad I there's only one sting. Who will I sting, ABBA, definitely, I hope it doesn't matter the fact that the are 4 people. I'll just sting you in the eye.

God bye

Gravity makes my box round, I get around easy.

When I decide purple is my hair

I just deleted my playlist, I hate it when accidents happen.
the bouncing devise is so much fun 2 jump on, makes my legs strong and firm 2.

Also I b came a farmer last night after eight haze. Just a hobby I am creating. Mostly because it is so much fun, and also cause everybody needs home made plants. I died my hair purple, but just 4 the attention.

Then I realized how purple the color made me feel, but I tone down the purple with neutral clotsh, mostly black and whites, but sometimes I go bananas on the colors, but just enough bananas 2 not b 2 much. Other times I use the scissors to change cloth I think are dull, the I mix them up was other stuff and everything is funk, rock and I roll.

I tempt 2 do that allot, but sometimes I feel so square, and my rhythm seems 2 stop. Shapes are fun, being a circle helps me roll, but sometimes I need 2 slow down and I become a bit square. In my 3d square I temped to stand outside, and I look at my sexy fox inside my box.

Wow, I love 2 jump, gravity rocks, but sometimes I wish there where no gravity 4 I love 2 fly. I wish my date doesn't create jealousy, my wife is a crazy bitch sometimes, that fox.

Big guns when I go 2 Paris

I use 2 be all caught up and trapped in my dramas, it gave me no time 4 swimming or creating, no time 4 living. I was so dramatic, that I even wrote small pathetic poems. I publish them here, a bit embarrassed, but c the irony or c what u want.

"Feeling sorry for me" "stuff" seem 2 b popular across the world and over. Titanic, or the other movies where characters die, fall in love, are ugly, family issues... The list is endless, I laugh now days when I c silly dramas ex. Gossip Girl, Sex and the city, scenes when it feels like the director was aiming 4 some tears 4 the viewers, I bet that he gets them though. Some times it becomes a bit awkward when I c dramas and shit at the theaters, solitary laughter in a crowded silent room, with good acoustic.
The poem, half of it, and another one. I'm not sure if u can see them, corruption a cored.

Hearts thorned to peaces of raw meet
Shivering from head to feet
Communication killed me
Morals, norms I cant be
No where to escape
Just places to get raped

Beauty turned old and Grey
We are not gay
Drama, my tale
I feel so pale
That World, spinning to fast
I'm always he who comes last

A blur of drugs
Rotting, my soul filled with bugs
People I cant understand
A country witch isn't my land
A culture I feel no pride
I wish I could hide

No balance between reality and fake
My mind is awfully baked
Only red pills I eat
choices are made as we cheat
I used to be me
Also... I used to see.

Loving the hate out of life
Leaving it not once, but twice
Understanding in my own way
I am great, they say
“They” is nothing I care
Cause after all... It's all about me and what I wear

Loving the hate out of me
In the end it's not about he or she
Knowing, being secure of who I am, now
Not caring of what to do, or how
Freedom I try my deepest dance
Knowing it will give me another chance
Once in a while I fall
Doesn't matter, I am tall

Hating the love out of you
I'd rather line up in cue
Knowing it leads to no good
One two three I touched wood
One two three, loosing time as it ticks
Nothing you have will ever fit
Nothing you are will I be
Time for me to listen and see.

Choose life, but spare it the Drama. Fuck your wife. B careful with what you create.

tisdag 22 september 2009

I amster'Dammit, in the night alone.

God, that room was dark, everything in it was my creation. Then I got going, I tried to get me over to another part of town, but, dammit!... I was walking a huge circle. I ended up in a box right next to the dark one. Not disappointed at all, in-fact... The new box I created was even better, my body drained in adrenalin, made my mind go bananas. It had red, soft lights, blending me as I fallowed the rhythm... Music 2. The shame was disintegrated by every breath I took my feet felt like feathers and my hands like fluffy clouds.
I left, even though the box was pretty sweet and charming. I was so tired from being up all night (and from all the walking of course).
The city never went to sleep, my streets where never empty, I was not lost, I was curios. Made me forget to pay attention of my view. The people sawn by me, the ones strumming the streets with a blurry destination. With a bit of fear on that red road, the streets never stop tasting as organic flower holders, the smoke brings love.
A stranger, dark skin, same hight as me, black tennis shoes with the sign of peace on them. A dark bitter voice asked me if I wanted to buy some cocaine, the way he asked was like if he had been using the same sentence over, and over again. I bet he made others horrified. I didn't react so much, just made me thinking about the drug.
Luckily I remembered my code to the card that gives me money now and then, I had 2 pay Mr driver, he told me to be careful with the seats as I got in, he took me a way, wrong and far. At least I saw some new views, and it was nice being derived. Karma hits me when I least need it, like the apple that fell on Isaac Newton, made him think about gravity. My incident made me think of what I should say arriving home at ten o clock in the morning, being gone all night and sober.
Well I managed 2 get my self home, everybody was still asleep, and my adventure was mine. A bit sad I never took the red box with me.

But in that big city, you are never alone.