lördag 26 september 2009

"hej haft sex med en albansk kille förut?"-Skrev den albanska killen, utan skam hoppas jag.

Just came home from that big city, transporting bodies from base A to be C is a bit complex sometimes.
I always temped to spend my money b4 I need it. Especially when I'm walking the right streets, when the shops have items I want. It only hits my mind after items are in my bag, my receive is thrown away with that bubble gum Id just been chewing on. Sticks to the receive (like I do, to what I want) and the new surface of my gum is smooth paper with digits I think are weird (give me 4 free?) and the sticky is easy 2 throw away in the black bin.
Another complexity in my day was reaching people, my nokia is having difficulties connecting people. I managed to connect, had a beer or two with my connection, took my sub to my bus. The buss was full, I got to sit next to a stranger, and my taxi was waiting around my conner.
Pay the taxi and mission completed. Where does the money come from? Why did I know that there went a bus, and how was I supposed 2 know where that subtrain was taking me?
Questions like these are the ones I usually never ask me, only when I am really bored, with a screen in front of me, cat lovers singing 2 me and all the buttons with different symbols 2 press on, and the clicking sound floating with the rhythm, me knowing exactly what button to push and which not 2. Everything is function, everything is how it should be. When I have nothing 2 worry about, when my mind is clear, and of course after visiting the sky, and peeking my happiness.

The water broke, It made a big mess, a whole C of salty water. That cigarette was just 2 calm my nerves.
Also when I need sleep

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